Mercedes-Benz GLC Dashboard Light Guide

Mercedes-Benz GLC Dashboard Light Guide

As a responsible Mercedes-Benz driver, you know the importance of vehicle maintenance. That’s why you regularly schedule your vehicle’s synthetic motor oil replacement and have any recommended maintenance performed each year. Despite this, you may see a light appear on your dashboard while traveling in and around the areas of Albany, Leesburg, and Tifton, GA. Schedule a service appointment online today!

Does the light mean you need maintenance performed? Is a feature malfunctioning? To help you learn more, we at Albany Motorcars have created this Mercedes-Benz GLC dashboard light guide. Keep reading to learn more!

Check Engine Warning Light

Time to See a Mechanic: Indicator Lights

A portion of the dashboard lights you may see when driving your Mercedes-Benz GLC are indicator lamps. When illuminated, these lights mean your attention is needed for a certain part of your vehicle. A portion of indicator lights only illuminate when a trip to the mechanic is needed.

One of these lights is the check engine light. It’s a yellow light that’s shaped like the profile of an engine. When this light appears, it means that a malfunction has occurred either within the engine, exhaust, or fuel system.

Since there are so many possible reasons this light may appear while you’re driving, you need a skilled mechanic to check out your SUV as soon as possible.

Low Tire Pressure Warning Light

Other Types of Mercedes-Benz GLC Indicator Dashboard Lights

Not all indicator lights require the immediate assistance of a mechanic. Take the tire pressure monitoring system, for example.

This light appears when one or more of your tires is lacking enough air. You’ll know this is the case because a yellow light will turn on that’s shaped like an exclamation mark inside a horseshoe. If you see this light, check the tire pressure of each of your tires and fill accordingly.

Improper tire pressure could lead to hazardous driving or tires bursting.

If you fill your tires to proper PSI and still see this light, a trip to the mechanic is needed.

Mercedes GLC Interior

Other Types of Mercedes-Benz GLC Dashboard Lights

Not all lights mean that a system has malfunctioned. Some lights are built in to provide visual alerts of potential hazards. The distance warning function lamp is a perfect example of this. When your Mercedes-Benz GLC is equipped with a forward-distance monitor, and you’re too close to the vehicle ahead of you, this red light will appear.

It’ll look like a car inside a triangle. An audible alert may sometimes accompany this light for extra protection. When you see this light, safely press the brake pedal to increase the distance between you and the other vehicle.

Learn More About the Mercedes-Benz GLC Dashboard Lights

There are dozens of different lights you might see on your dashboard while traveling around the Albany, Leesburg, and Tifton, Georgia, areas. While our Mercedes-Benz GLC dashboard light guide covers three of the possible lights you could see, there’s still a lot more to learn.

We invite you to visit us at Albany Motorcars and meet with one of our Mercedes-Benz experts to learn more about all the types of dashboard lights you might see today! Contact us online to schedule a service appointment!

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